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Bid Euchre

We will be meeting at 1:30 p.m. the 1st Wednesday of each month. If you have registered to be part of the Bid Euchre Interest Group, the location of the game will be sent to you by email.

 Bid Euchre is similar to Euchre. If you are familiar with Euchre, you can easily learn to play Bid Euchre. Games will be played at members’ homes, with registrants taking a turn hosting with either 2 or 3 tables (4 players/table). The hostess supplies refreshments (tea or coffee).

We will have an "Introduction to Bid Euchre" session for those who have either never played Bid Euchre or need a refresher. Once we have 4 registrants who indicate they will need a refresher/lesson session, more information will be sent to them. 

Click here to brush up on the rules:  Bid Euchre rules 2 decks.pdf

Hostess will need 2 decks of cards per table and score cards BID EUCHRE score card.pdf

    Members only

    Coordinator:       Angela Keller

    To receive information about upcoming games, please register to be part of the Bid Euchre Interest Group, click REGISTER

    To see upcoming sessions of Bid Euchre, please make sure you are logged into your account.

    Upcoming events

    No events available.

    PROBUS by the Bay

    P.O Box 8017
    175 First Street

    Collingwood, Ontario

    L9Y 2L0

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